Amy Papa

Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner, Certified Health Coach

HC44-CoachProfileMy journey to becoming a Health Coach and a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner started with my son.

My son was diagnosed with GERD at the age of 9. The gastroenterologist told me that he would need repeated esophageal dilation to relieve narrowing symptom and he would need to be on medication for the rest of his life to control his acid reflux. That treatment plan was no way acceptable to me. Deeply disappointed, I started looking for alternative treatments. Several months later, after extensive research through reading books, watching videos and talking to people, I finally discovered Functional Medicine. Luckily, I found a very good functional medicine doctor and witnessed how the doctor successfully helped my son with diet changes and nutrition. Not only did my son’s acid reflux go away, so did his iron deficiency anemia, restless leg syndrome, ADHD, and etc. I was amazed! It was no less than a miracle to me!

I became very interested in nutrition and was eager to learn more. I wanted to find out exactly how food and nutrition could be so magic, I wanted to know why my parents though living a very “healthy” life style but still suffer from high blood pressure and coronary artery disease, I wanted to find out why so many people were developing chronic diseases, and I wanted to find out whether I could change my path which seemed to be destined to poor health. So I took nutrition courses from Harvard and Stanford (because I wanted to know what the highest educational institutes were teaching about nutrition) and then a training program through Dr. Sears Wellness Institute and became a Certified Health Coach. Two years later, after I trained under world renowned Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nakayama I became a board certified holistic healthcare practitioner as a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner.

What I have learned has completely transformed my life in all aspects. Before, I was forty feeling sixty. I had aches and pains everywhere and I had to pull myself up from squatting; brain fog plagued my day everyday of a mom of three; frequent colds and flus, pre-diabetes, Bell’s Palsy, infections, trip to ER for chest pain…… It was not fun! But now, after life style and diet changes and proper nutrition, I feel at the best of myself in a long time! I can play sports with my kids for two hours straight and feel fantastic! I can run up and down chasing my kids on the playground without worrying about my knees! My tooth sensitivity is gone! I don’t need an afternoon nap any more! I have a clear mind every day and getting a lot more things done! I am learning piano and ice skating, reading books, and taking more courses!

The more I learn about nutrition the more I become passionate about it! Once I thought I would retire from taking care of my kids but now I feel it my mission to spread health and nutrition knowledge and help more people get back their health and stay healthy!

Learning about nutrition and taking control of my health was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life and I believe it will be yours too.

The greatest wealth is health.
—Roman poet Virgil

Amy Papa

Greater Detroit Area, Michigan


Certified Health Coach

The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs,

but rather will cure and prevent disease with NUTRITION.

Thomas Edison

DSWI_New_Logo Amy received her Health Coach Certification from the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, founded by world-renowned physician and author, Dr. William Sears. The Institute is a leader in science-based health and wellness education that focuses on the four pillars of health: Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition (L.E.A.N.). A certification by the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute is obtained only after completing the extensive course work and meeting all requirements. Once certified, a health coach possesses the knowledge, tools, and resources to make a positive difference in the health of others.


Amy received her Functional Nutrition Counselor and Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Practitioner Certifications from the FunctionalNutrition Alliance after she completed extensive trainings under the guidance of the world renowned Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nakayama. Functional Nutrition uses the principles of root cause resolution, taking a full body systems approach to health.”Functional Nutrition is the future of healthcare, not because it’s new or fancy, but because it brings us back to the foundation of what healthcare should be about — the needs of the patient.”–Andrea Nakayama